Garden Irrigation

Garden Sprinkler Watering System

We install fully automatic irrigation systems in many of the gardens we maintain and build. The benefits of irrigation mean you can plant throughout the year and have the perfect lawn and herbaceous borders even during dry periods. Some clients have wells in the garden where we have installed pressure sensitive pumps watering the garden with ground water.

Lawn Irrigation

Today’s sprinkler nozzles and automatic controllers allow a far more accurate water application. Older irrigation systems watered the lawn, path, house and everything around it. Today the water sprinklers are designed to apply water to designated areas, keeping the surrounding paths dry. Irrigation systems can be switched off automatically when it rains saving unnecessary watering.

Pot Plants & Hanging Baskets

Generally speaking pot plants and hanging baskets require daily or 12 hourly watering especially during hot sunny days and if the aspect is southerly facing. The ‘spider’ watering nozzles can be adjusted to allow the correct amount of water flow avoiding too many wet patches on the ground.

Irrigation systems for pot plants and hanging baskets
Irrigation systems for pot plants and hanging baskets

Garden Borders

Herbaceous borders and shrub borders can also be watered independently using micro-jet sprinklers applying water in a fine spray to plants.

To speak to someone about garden irrigation & watering systems, please give us a call on 01920 413146 or 0208 1910050