Lawn Care

Does Your Lawn Need Help?

Top Quality Lawn Care

Is your lawn looking tired, overrun with weeds and moss?

At Iqon, we can provide a professional lawn care service and we can help and advise on the best measures to achieve that perfect lawn.

Getting Started

Managing a lawn is on-going, but it’s best to see what’s happening before applying chemicals and top dressings.

Identifying the weeds will be the first guide as to what to do next. In most situations the main weed control applies to broadleaf weeds. This can be controled by using a selective weed killer. Applications should be as recommended by the manufacturer. Early season spray applications do take longer to respond, in season results are faster.

In addition to spray applications chemical control can be applied using granular top dressing which usually incorporates a fertiliser as well. Early season mixes are normally lower in nitrogen – possibly a 3-6-6 (N P K), where as a summer application would have higher N.

Moss control can be treated with chemicals although the lawn may turn black as the moss dies back. It is expected to have some moss in a lawn in the early spring, but by feeding the grass and encouraging growth so the moss can die back. There are other solutions for a more serious moss and thatch clearance by using a scarifier. This removes dead grass and moss, leaving a finer sward that’s easy to mow and treat.

Lets Get Your Lawn
Ready For Summer!

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